Looking back on 2014 I’ve come to realize how amazingly insane it was. Insane in the membrane. A lot of late nights & early mornings. Fun fact: I probably drank over 2,000 cups of coffee, easily. ♬ Shots shots shots shots shots shots ♬ …of espresso that is, totally not vodka. haha
2014 was such an amazing year for both Daemaine & I. Still blows my mind on how much a person can grow creatively & in their own personal life just in one year. I can’t even wrap my head around all my thoughts right now. Through photography I have the privilege to be apart of other people’s lives & use this special gift God has given me. I get to witness HIS love through every couple I celebrate with, every family I spend time with and through every new adventure. Daemaine and I are so thankful for this. We have never been so alive than we are right now & I feel that our photos are a testament to that.
Thank you to everyone who hired us, invited us into their lives, supported our work, went on a crazy adventure with us (that probably involved trespassing), or reached out in any way this year. We are truly blessed to be surrounded by so many AMAZING people. These pictures represent only a small sample of what happened in 2014. I wanted to share so much more, but didn’t want to make the longest blog post in history. A lot of images are also available for purchase on my Stocksy portfolio!
Cheers to a 2015 full of stories & adventure!