Looking back on 2014 I’ve come to realize how amazingly insane it was. Insane in the membrane. A lot of late nights & early mornings. Fun fact: I probably drank over 2,000 cups of coffee, easily. ♬ Shots shots shots shots shots shots ♬ …of espresso that is, totally not vodka. haha 2014 was…
2013. A Look Back.
2013 was such an amazing year. It was my first year really to dive into wedding photography & run my own business. I’ve learned so much through trail & error, the people I’ve met, & all the things I’ve experienced good and bad & I wouldn’t take back one minute of it. I photographed 5…
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My Adventures
Ea$y Money Clothing
Daemaine hooked with Ea$y Money Clothing & they asked him about modeling some gear. D told me the news so we packed up & went out on another adventure. We found a pretty cool spot to shoot in Houston to shoot. Check them out!